This is not America: A Letter to my Children

If anyone builds a wall to stop you from dreaming, or if someone nails a glass ceiling down over your dreams, trying to suffocate your desires, I hope that your mother and I, and the education you are actively pursuing, have given you the fortitude to fight back for the right to have your own desires. Tear down any wall built by fearful boys. Break any glass ceilings put in your way by insecure boys.  

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Wim Wenders, William S. Burroughs, and Pokemon GO

My concern is how quickly this happens. How quickly Pokemon GO became a phenomenon. How quickly people started wearing these things on their wrists counting their steps, telling them if their sleep was restful. (Do you honestly not know if you slept well?) How did America so quickly convince everyone that they had to take their phone with them everywhere in case something happened to them?

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