Segregation Matters

The one thing I know (and I have known this since I was young and running around shooting hoops and other such things along Fifth Avenue in the Hill District of Pittsburgh and West North Avenue on the North Side of Pittsburgh) is that I am white, and being white, I will never know what it is like to wake up with black skin in America. I will never know that experience. 

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Wim Wenders, William S. Burroughs, and Pokemon GO

My concern is how quickly this happens. How quickly Pokemon GO became a phenomenon. How quickly people started wearing these things on their wrists counting their steps, telling them if their sleep was restful. (Do you honestly not know if you slept well?) How did America so quickly convince everyone that they had to take their phone with them everywhere in case something happened to them?

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Adjectives and Gentrification in Pittsburgh

On this day in Lawrenceville, the humidity was beating me up, so I went into the nearest bar for a beer. But there was no beer. Only adjectives. Empty signifiers floating everywhere. I thought at any moment Jean Baudrillard would walk through the door and order a simulacra or two, a Baudrillardian beer that only existed in adjectival form. A beer you could almost touch, but could never drink. Not really. You could only imagine the possibility of drinking it.

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